Sunday 10 July 2011

Part 4: Upper body workout!

Sorry guys, was meant to post this earlier but I have been on holiday and was too lazy to write a new blog when I got back. But like I said in my previous blog, this one is about the workout for women. I’ll probably do a blog on men’s workout next time; I’ll get my boyfriend to help me with that. I'll blog about lower body workout  next time.

To get rid of fat/ lose weight, cardio is the best full body workout. So you will need to hit the treadmill, cross-trainer and cycling. To get your body in shape quicker, you need to involve some weight in your workout. Ladies, I know some of you may be thinking that you will get bulky arms and body if you touch the weights. That’s what I used to think until my boyfriend told me that it won’t happen unless I start lifting really heavy weights and eat lots. Since then I’ve been using weights for most parts of my body and has helped me get into a better shape and quicker. So it's light weights remember!

Arms- To get some nice sculpt arms you need to be working both triceps and biceps but we girls tend to concentrate more on our triceps -bingo wings!

Rowing machine is good for the arms and when you use the cross-trainer move it with your arms.

To get rid of BINGO WINGS or just to tighten your triceps, weights are really good.

 Method 1.

  • Hold one dumbbell (if you don't have dumbbells use a filled bottle of water and higher reps) in one arm (if you have weak arms start off with 2kg)
  • Lay down on a bench or somewhere flat and firm.
  • Lift the arm that is holding the dumbbell up straight from your body and the other hand laying across your body underneath your other arm.
  • Keeping your elbow up and arm straight, move the dumbbell down across to your shoulder (so you’re moving your forearm down)
  • Lift it back up straight and repeat for 15 times and swap arms.
 I would say do 2 sets of 15 on each arm.

 Method 2.

  • Hold a dumbbell in one hand and place it behind your back- so your elbow should be facing upwards.
  • Lift the dumbbell in the direction towards the sky slowly and slowly back down to your back.
  • Repeat 15 times and switch hands. Do 2 sets of 15 on each arm.
Chair push up (something that you can do at home)

  • Place both arms on the side of the seat, so you’re pressing down on the chair.
  • Keep back and legs straight, so it’s like a straight line (Plank). 
  • Slowly press down and then back up. 15-20 reps
Pull ups and dips are great too!

Running machine or cross trainer will help you lose fat around your waist.

Tone your waist with weights
  • Take one dumbbell in one hand and put the other hand behind your back.
  • Stand shoulder width apart.  
  • Lean to the side where the dumbbell is, the dumbbell should go as far down as your knee 
  • Lean back up and lean to the other side but not as low.
  • Do 15 rep and swap the dumbbell to the other hand. I usually do 3 sets.
You should feel pains when you first do it, so don’t go too far down the first time as you may not be that flexible around your waist. You would also feel pains the following day, its ok it means its toning up, just stretch the muscle around your waist.

Another way is doing the side sit ups or whatever they're called.
  • Lie on your side with your legs curled up but face your upper body upwards.
  • Move your upper body body like your doing the sit ups.
  • Do 30 reps and lie on your other side to work the other side of your waist


We all know crunches and sit ups will give you that tone stomach but make sure you lose those fat in your belly before trying to those killer abs otherwise your stomach will look even if its toned. Cardio like running and spinning is a good for your stomach.

The hula hoop! That works your waist and stomach, tones them both really well. When I was 13/14, I used to do the hula hoop and my waist was hard, stomach was hard! Lol. Maybe that didn’t sound too nice, they were really toned basically! But I stopped doing it when I got to 16 because my mum threw it away, maybe I should get a new one thinking about it now.

That's it for now, next blog on lower body workout will be out very soon. I won't be long it.

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