In Da Pink is a health and fitness related blog, a channel for me to motivate and encourage my friends, family and others to healthy eating and fitness.
I am a Chinese girl born in Sweden but brought up in London. Although I still hold a Swedish passport but I do not call myself Swedish or British, I say I'm Chinese when people ask. Simply because I don't have Swedish or British features. lol
I love food (typical Chinese) and yes, I do take photos of food. OCCASIONALLY though. The camera eats first as they say lol. But I mainly take photos of the food I made; majority are healthy dishes. Follow me on instagram to see :) @in_da_pink
Other info:
I am a white belt in judo
I go gym 4-5 times a week
I do yoga once a week at work, been doing it for almost 4 months now. Still working on my head stand!
I love anything intense and challenging
A personal trainer and fitness instructor in the making