Monday, 19 August 2013

How to fit a workout into your busy lifestyle?

Hi lovelies! I haven't been to the gym or done any other workout in the last couple of weeks. Been too busy with dissertation as its due very soon. I feel every single minute counts and I just can't find time to fit my workout in. However, I did some leg raises for a few nights before going to sleep. Dang! They were good. 
But that's not enough I know,  I need a whole body workout. And I have discovered how to fit a whole body workout into a busy lifestyle. 

A home on....that is quick but very effective that works the whole body and makes you sweat! That is the BURPEES! 

I saw a picture from a fitness Facebook group, see below. I tried it today while I was taking a break from my dissertation. It took me 10 minutes to do 1 set; this will reduce once you get used to it, it was my first time. I was exhausted and sweaty at the end of it. No need to get change for the gym or park as you're only at home, no need to travel if you're gym isn't walking distance. So that's some time saved already. All you need is 15-20 minutes. 

The burpee is a 2 in 1 exercise, cardio and strength training together. Fitness trainers say this is one of the best exercises you can do to BURN FAT QUICKLY! Not sure what burpee is? Have a look at the YouTube video below. I added a press up when I went down to the plank to work my arms harder. I would definitely recommend you do that too. You do want those sexy toned arms right? 

It's going to be hard but if you want that body you got to work for it! Play some good music, it will make it easier. Good luck! 

What home workout do you do? How long can you do burpees for? 

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