Tuesday, 10 August 2010

How to get soft skin?

I'm not a beautician or a pro with skin care but  I've read, heard and been told alot so would consider I have a good knowledge about skin care.

What's the secret for men and women in getting soft skin and keeping it in good condition? Have facial regularly? Have facial mask regularly? Use those steamer things? Eat less chocolate? They all make your skin better and softer but they are not the secret. Some of you probably already know this but for those who don't, washing your skin is the secret! Keeping your skin clean is the essential, that means wash your face every day AND night! When you wash your face at night, the next morning you will have really soft skin. As long as you do that, all those facials, masks and other types of treatments are not needed.

In fact if you're in your teens, early and mid 20s there's no need for those treatment at all because your skin is still young and delicate. If your skin gets too used to facial treatments, your skin won't look as good when you stop the treatments. You would need to keep doing that which is quite costly. Just like going to the gym, if you don't got for a while your muscle will go squiggy and loose etc. Even if you have lots of spots you don't need to do those facial treatment. Again, it is washing your face, keeping it clean is the essential! And you use those spot cream. Also, too much scrubbing your face is not too good either. Your pores will expand permanently, which wouldn't look very nice. If you have to scrub, use ones that has tiny sands and not big lumps of sands. Best face wash would be ones that says 'gentle cleanser'. (Beautician's tip in washing your face below)

If you're past mid 20s, then some facial treatment is cool. But I would say keeping your skin clean is still the most important step and then it would be the type of moisturizer and other type of skin products you put on your face.

Another important thing is, if you're wearing make-up, make sure you wash it off before you go to bed. DO NOT go to sleep with your make-up on. You are likely to get spots, which is not something you want to find the next morning, right? When you sleep your pores expands because your body is warm under the duvet which means if the make up is not washed off it will go into your pores and forms spots. Even if you haven't worn make-up, you have sweat and dust on your face which would also goes into your pores while your sleeping.

Of course besides washing your face, moisturizing your skin is also essential. It is always good to put toner on after washing because that will narrow your pores. Then put moisturizer, this applies to day and night. During the day, it is best to have a moisturizer that has at least SPF 15 protection against the sun, 30 would be the best. In terms of the long run, your skin would still look good when you're in your 40s, 50s, or even 60s. This is because we all know that our skin will age quicker if we are under the sun too much. Therefore, when you sunbathe limit it to 15 minutes and wearing at least SPF 15 on your body and 30 on your face.
Beauticians' tips in washing your face:
1) Using your your index and middle finger and rub the cleanser on your face in circular motions. Wash your face from chin to forehead and from forehead to chin.
2) Using coldish but with a hint of warmth water to rinse your face
3) After use cold water to rinse your wash again- this is to narrow the pores.
4) Use a cloth to dry your face- pat your face to dry
5) Gently put toner all over your face using a cotton pad- this is also to narrow the pores.
6) Put moisturizer on- wipe the cream upward motions on your cheeks (prevents/minimize wrinkles), do a T motion on your forehead and nose.

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